The Messolonghi and Etolicon lagoons, located in Western Greece, are a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, designated in 1975 as well as a National Park. The site consists of an extensive complex of brackish coastal lagoons, salt and freshwater marshes and a diverse mosaic of other habitats formed within the double delta of two rivers, Acheloos and Evinos. Among other activities, the lagoons host traditional fisheries, artisanal salinas and the production of excellent quality fish roe (bottarga, boutargue or αυγοτάραχο) from mullets.
The main purpose of the Messolonghi Fisheries Centre is to reinforce traditional activities in this important Mediterranean wetland for the benefit of local inhabitants and support the efforts towards the sustainable development of the region. Its objectives are the following:
– Improve fishing activities in the lagoons.
– Strengthen the production and marketing of fish roe on a national and international scale.
– Provide services to traditional fishermen (i.e. vocational training, entrepreneurship centre etc.)
– Redirect agriculture and stock breeding towards quality production.
– Revive artisanal salt production (towards fleur du sel).
– Create a specialised tourism facility focusing on marine products and addressed to national and international visitors.
– Create a small museum on traditional fisheries.
– Magnify social and financial benefits for local societies.
– Cultivate the sense of civic pride in the two towns of Messolonghi and Etolicon.